The Hellenic-Dutch Association of Commerce and Industry, also known as HeDA, was established in 1994 by a team of Greek and Dutch entrepreneurs with a common goal of fostering the economic and commercial ties between the two countries. Since its inception, He.D.A. has played a crucial role in promoting mutual prosperity through improved business activities and creating a bridge connecting the two nations.
Recent News
- Greek Embassy in Hague – Economic and Commercial News From the Netherlands February of ’25
- New Member: Abeliona Retreat
- HeDA Sustainability Committee: A new global generation for a new emerging Life centric era – Full Event Video
- HeDa Newsletter January 2025
- Μια νέα παγκόσμια γενιά για μια νέα εποχή με κέντρο τη ζωή και τη βιωσιμότητα!